Resultados: 38

"Tabela falante" como estratégia de integração de dados em uma pesquisa de métodos mistos

RESUMO Objetivo relatar a utilização da tabela falante como estratégia de integração e análise de dados em estudo de abordagem mista. Método trata-se de um relato de utilização de uma estratégia metodológica de integração e análise dos dados em pesquisa de método misto. São apresentados...

O ensino superior em enfermagem no Rio Grande do Norte: revisitando a história

Objective: To analyze the institutionalization of the higher education in Nursing in Rio Grande do Norte in the 1970s. Method: This is a qualitative research, with a historical-social approach, arising from consultations with documentary sources and interviews with characters that experienced this histo...

Identidade profissional de enfermagem: uma perspectiva através das lentes da mídia impressa brasileira

Objective: To analyze the historical events of the nursing profession presented by the Brazilian print media and that were configured as important in the (re/des) construction of the professional identity, from 1980 to 1986. Method: Qualitative research with a documental historical nature guided by hist...

Envelhecer com deficiência física: experiência permeada pelo estigma, isolamento social e finitude

Objective: To understand the experience from a perspective of elderly people with physical disabilities. Method: Qualitative study that interviewed 15 people from the Mato Grosso Association of Disabled Person. Testimonies were obtained from 2016 July to 2017 June in the metropolitan region of Cuiabá/B...

Dinâmica musical na sensibilização dos acadêmicos de enfermagem frente aos cuidados paliativos em oncologia pediátrica

Objective: To analyze the applicability of musical dynamics for nursing students in respect to palliative care in pediatric oncology. Methods: A qualitative research using the creative and sensitive method was developed in 2016 in the School of Nursing of a federal university in Rio de Janeiro. 'Musical...

Interfaces da violência com a formação em enfermagem: um diálogo possível e necessário

Objective: To identify the professors' ideals and practices of undergraduate nursing education regarding the presence of violence during the teaching-learning process. Methods: Qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research, performed by 19 professors. For the collection of the information it had bee...

Distrações e interrupções em sala cirúrgica: percepção de profissionais de enfermagem

Objective: To understand the perception of nursing staff about intraoperative distractions and interruptions. Methods: An exploratory qualitative study was performed with 16 nursing professionals of a surgical center in Minas Gerais. The data were collected through a semi-structured interview and themat...

O mapa corporal narrado: relato de experiência de pesquisa com aporte teórico de Bourdieu

Objective: To analyze the use of the body map storytelling method sustained by Bourdieu's critical theory. Method: We present the basis of the method and describe our application experience on research about bodily practices in the health promotion field. Results: The 18 participants shared their exper...

Recontextualização macro e micropolítica do currículo integrado: percursos experimentados em um curso de enfermagem

Aim: To analyze the process of recontextualization of an integrated curriculum of Nursing Undergraduate Program. Method: Qualitative research, of a single case study, developed through documentary analysis, systematic observation and a semi-structured interview with nine teachers. Analysis of data by Cr...

Adaptações e invenções na práxis da enfermeira na atenção domiciliar: implicações da prática reflexiva

Objective: To analyze the praxis of nurses at home, considering their power to invent new ways of producing care. Methods: This is a Unique Case Study, with a qualitative nature, anchored in the theoretical-methodological framework of dialectics. It was attended by 13 nurses working in home care service...